


EXPLORE - First Year

Explore your interests and skills through academic courses. Seek support from career advisors to learn what you need to do to assess your major courses and self-evaluation. Get involved in campus activities and student communities that align with your interests and take an active role in them. Familiarize yourself with the offices and resources available on campus. Thoroughly research part-time jobs, internships, or summer employment opportunities. Attend any career fairs related to academic disciplines or career opportunities. Be organized and start collecting your projects and writings related to your major with the help of the Career Center. Attend all your classes, submit assignments on time, and maintain a good GPA. Transform your high school resume into a college resume. You can contact our center for assistance. Consult our advisors for more suggestions. GAIN

EXPERIENCE - Second Year

Explore career options and identify alternatives with the help of career advisors. Choose a major that you enjoy studying and would love to work in, and create a graduation plan with your academic advisor. Maintain your relationship and connection with extracurricular activities and allocate sufficient time to them. Attend job fairs and employer-sponsored sessions or workshops that appeal to your interests. Arrange for internships or jobs for the summer and gain more experience in your field of interest. You can obtain information from us about internship and job opportunities. Research potential opportunities for studying abroad. Maintain the good GPA you have achieved!


Continue to explore internships, careers, and graduate school options. Narrow down your career interests. Research potential organizations and institutions. Arrange informative meetings in career fields you wish to explore. Re-evaluate your resume, education, and certifications with one of our career advisors. Organize events and take leadership roles with your student clubs or organizations. Acquire internship or practical career experiences that can enhance your resume. Create a LinkedIn account and keep your profile up to date. Are you seriously considering graduate school? Learn about application requirements and processes.

TAKE ACTION - Senior Year

Schedule appointments with our career advisors to finalize your career goals and graduate school applications and seek advice. Reflect deeply on the skills you have developed and the education you have received at Bartin University. Create lists to evaluate your observations for future reference. Utilize LinkedIn for job search, networking with alumni, and obtaining information and advice. Stay closely connected with the activities of the Career Center, attend job fairs, and participate in informative job interviews organized by employers. Request reference letters from chosen academics and faculty staff for your job and graduate school applications. Start your job search early. Stay informed about application deadlines if you plan to pursue graduate studies. Research potential employers and prepare for future interviews. Visit our career office for mock interviews. Inform the Career Planning and Application Research Center when you receive a job offer and seek our advice when reviewing an offer.